Saint Alfred Presents Rebel Music Studio, an episodic venture into the audio realm highlighting local musicians and DJs that have a voice of their own and express their crafts in unique ways. Rebel Music Studio looks to shine a light on all things music via the lens of Chicago and anything else that may relate aboard.
Rebel Music Studio Vol. 4 featuring Hameedullah
Sunday, November 26th 3pm - 5pm
For our Vol. 4 installment we feature Hameedullah. Hailing from Chicago, DJ, beatmaker, rapper, and label head of Lunt and Oglesby, Hameedullah takes and blends from his disciplines to create and curate DJ sets only natural to the artist. Listeners can expect eclecticism and a musical journey that touches and spans on different energies and feelings.
Hameedullah's new album, titled existing is great, will be coming out December 1st on Bandcamp and on DSPs weeks later. Listen to more from Hammeedullah and Lunt and Oglesby on their monthly radio show "Getting Acclimated" on Beloved Radio every fourth Saturday from 4-5PM.