Anthony Gallery Fade Away 01 Tee / Jacob Rochester


Anthony Gallery Just In Case We Both Were Wrong Tee / Matt McCormick


Anthony Gallery Just In Case We Both Were Wrong Tee / Matt McCormick


Anthony Gallery Black cats composition Tee / Yue Wu


Anthony Gallery IT MUST BE THE SHOES Tee / Corey Damon Black


Anthony Gallery XI Tee / Georgia Bayliss



Our love for the City of Chicago is unparalleled. ESPN’s coverage of “The Last Dance” honored the Chicago Bull’s Dynasty and the legacy of Michael Jordan. The cultural impact cultivated in Chicago has had a global reach and we are proud to call it home.

In partnership with our friends at Anthony Gallery who are revisiting their Jordan-themed UNITE THROUGH CULTURE exhibition, we will be releasing their collaborative t-shirt series with all of the proceeds going to Off The Street Club.

Off The Street Club is Chicago’s oldest boys & Girls Club, serving more than 3,000 kids in one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the country, West Garfield Park.

The artist t-shirts will be available here, Thursday, May 21st 9am CT here in the webstore.

Please email info@stalfred.com for more info.

Gallery inquiries, please email info@anthony.gallery for more information.


Thank you.

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